The Watchtower's prejudice against education, self-expression, and personal growth may be a major contributor to the organization's own lack of growth and internal problems. Imagine if the Watchtower could point to the thousands of members who became engineers, educators, journalists, scientists, and sports stars who are/were Jehovah's Witnesses. They could show the world how truly blessed Witnesses have been by Jehovah.
Imagine the good they could have done if someone had not wasted their time in unproductive door-to-door witnessing, but had become an entrepreneur like Bill Gates. Gates and his wife Melinda run a foundation that focuses on education and health issues. He and his foundation are like the mythical Midas whose gold replenished itself nearly as fast as he could spend it. The Watchtower cooked their "gold laying goose" a long time ago when they began discouraging education for their children.
Instead the Watchtower can only point to people like rock star Prince and sports stars Venus and Serena Williams - more often embarrassments than pillars of their community. Many of their more famous and wealthy members only became famous and wealthy because they WERE NOT WITNESSES. Some could have become even more famous and wealthy, but left their successful field to become door knockers (Teresa Graves).
The Witness religion really is designed to turn potentially successful intelligent people into pauper drones. There are a few rare exceptions, but only because they had to leave the cult to finally achieve success; read
I once heard a lecture on the "real cost of war." Think of the thousands of American, British, Australian and Canadian men who died within minutes of hitting the beaches at Normandy, Iwo Jima, the Phillipines. Think of the thousands of Americans who died in Viet Nam. A fairly high percentage had at least high school educations and a large group (officers, pilots, engineers) had college educations. The speaker pointed out that in any 1000 males from those eras who either did not go to war or survived the war, approximately 180 excelled in some way later in life in education, science, medicine, or space technology. By extrapolation he theorized that had those millions not been killed in war we would have found the cures for cancer, ALS, MS, and Alzheimer's - probably by the late 1970s. Life spans may have increased by 10-15% beyond what they are today, with thousands of HEALTHY elders living to see 100 years or more. He went even further and pointed out that the wasteful wars of the 18th and 19th centuries (Napoleon, Civil War, colonization of Africa and Asia) wreaked havoc on the educated populations of Europe and North America. In spite of that, look how far we have progressed with just the survivors.
I feel the same about the Witnesses. They can believe what they want - even the Old Testament fairy tales - but allow them to educate themselves and prosper - and the Watchtower would greatly prosper with them. The Mormons are an excellent example of a cult that has prospered in spite of their ridiculous beliefs.
But no, the leaders want the R&F to basically live meaningless and non-expansive lives. Really - how many JWs aspire to be chosen for the Governing Body or traveling overseers some day? Is that the only goal available to them? What about the creative abilities of female JWs? Is all of that to be wasted as well?